From October 2021-September 2022, I led Enjoy Illinois’ Instagram strategy and was able to successfully boost engagements by 13.3% and impressions by 42.6% (in comparison to the previous period). Additionally, I increased the brand’s following by 10k (organically) through a carefully curated feed filled with strategic UGC (user generated content), in-house media and self-captured content.

Top Performing Posts that Drove High Engagements


I launched Enjoy Illinois’ first IG Reel in November 2021. From then on, I was able to successfully create a variety of Reels to promote the beauty of Illinois—from attractions and dining experiences, to events and branding activations. Below are some of the top performing Reels I created.

As of September 2022, the Reel has received 47k+ views, 2k+ likes, 637 shares and 611 saves.

As of September 2022, the Reel has received 29k+ views, 512 saves and 294 shares.

“The Middle of Everything” Campaign

To launch Enjoy Illinois’ Middle of Everything campaign, I created an influencer strategy that would bring brand awareness while maximizing engagement across social media. I partnered with 6 local micro to mid-tier influencers from a variety of niche backgrounds and had them share their genuine thoughts about why they believed Illinois was the middle of everything.